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Hello Friends!

Welcome to what we refer to as our little nest. This is the story of CROE Haven, where it all begins . . .

I invite you in to see a little peak of my family because they are a huge part of who I am.

Don't mind the mess as we're constantly going to and from these days and

join me as I give you a tour of our farm and tell ya'll a little more about us. 

Our Nest


Our Story

Chris and I have known each other since grade school...although he didn't really know I existed until after we had both graduated high school My mother jokes that if she had told the teenager me that I would marry Chris, we would live in Hallsville on a farm and have children, I would have told her she was crazy...but here I am, married to my childhood crush, raising a family on our very own farm.

Funny how life just happens.


Shortly after our oldest was born Chris and I decided to make some lifestyle changes, specifically with the food we were consuming. After a small scare with Chris's blood pressure we drastically cut salt from our diet. Knowing that growing our own garden and preserving our own vegetables would be the best way we could ensure we knew exactly what we were eating. After a few years of that, my husband decided why stop at vegetables...we had land, why not fence off some acreage and raise our own livestock. So we decided to take on some cattle and hogs. Fast forward to the present and here we are, growing our own garden and raising cattle, hogs, chickens and goats! I'm currently awaiting phase 3 which will be my "She Shed" . . . I'm not 100% sure when this will actually happen, but I have huge faith that one day I'll have a beautiful art studio on the property surrounded by the farm. If you'd like to see more of my work click Art + Design

A little slice of Heaven

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We get asked this question quite often:

"Where did the name CROE Haven come from?"

I think its so important when naming a family farm, that it has meaning and intention behind it. We tossed around a few ideas of naming the farm based on the land itself. But when we really thought about what our farm means to us, it was pretty obvious that its all about our family. So the name CROE is an acronym built from the first letter of each of our first names. Haven by definition is a "place of refuge, or a safe place"

Our farm is our home. It is our refuge from the world around us. When we are home at the farm we can relax, kick back and enjoy a slower pace of life.

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Did you know you can purchase a print of these cute guys above? 

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